Trusted Local News

'The squeeze is on' as Pennsylvania loses rural pharmacies

State releases audit stating pharmacies overcharged by $7 million

Natural gas subsidy plan rolled out to stabilize the grid

Grants may provide funding for needed power plants

Shapiro touts education spending, demurs on consolidation

PA celebrates the $1.1 billion increase in education funding

SEPTA announces fare hikes

Will your commute be impacted?

Environmentalists question Pennsylvania company’s plan to use plastic waste to make steel

A new process is implementing plastic waste in a new way

Mine land cleanup in Appalachia faces federal delays, capacity limits

Pennsylvania continues to be impacted

Public school solar grants readied

Will your school be next to 'go green?'

Growing demand for power, but no clean plan for PJM

Are PA politicians seeking enough green options for future power needs?

Consider keeping your hard-earned dollars in the Keystone State

Get a free Pennsylvania travel guide online or mailed to your home.

Adult education advocates want $7M boost as wait lists grow

As PA school children get more funding, are adults left behind?