Prepare for an evening of laughter, intrigue, and fabulous fashion as Without a Cue Productions presents Slay and the City: A Killer Cosmo, an original parody written by Traci Connaughton. Set in a Manhattan-inspired backdrop, this immersive experience invites audiences to join their favorite gal pals over cosmos and sizzling gossip—but the night takes a dark twist when a shared secret comes to light, leading to a hilarious and thrilling whodunit.
Audience members will be part of the action, as the mystery unfolds all around them. Between steamy conversations and the clinking of cosmos, guests will gather clues to solve the mystery and compete for a prize. Interactive moments, themed drinks by Pops McCann (including signature cosmos and flirtinis), and opportunities for photos—including your very own mugshot—make this event an unforgettable night out. Come dressed as your favorite Sex and the City character for extra clues and surprises.
The experience runs from January 18 through February 24 with previews on January 11 & 12 with three shows every weekend at Red Rum Theatre on Walnut Street.
Tickets are on sale now at Don't miss this unique blend of parody, mystery, and fun.